Welcome Aboard the Junior Squad!
Click here to see the latest from the Junior Squad.
Do you have children between 12 – 17 years that would like to sail regularly? RMYS currently have placements open in our Junior Sailing Squad. Overall it is a fun sailing environment working towards our big competition – The Stonehaven Cup.
An excellent opportunity for children of today to be the next sailing leaders tomorrow – email Matt Solly
The Junior Squad works towards the Stonehaven Cup! This is the ultimate challenge. It is a reward for all the hard work put into the squad. The race takes place against other clubs to win the right to be champion!
Our Junior Sailing Squad allows children to work together in teams and be ready to enjoy and participate in this established recognised regatta

- Tacker 2 or Green Fleet, or
- Start Sailing 1 & Start Sailing 2 – Dinghy
If you would like to learn more about the Training Programs, click here for course dates and information.
8am – 1pm Sundays
School Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4 with extra sessions throughout December leading up to the Stonehaven Cup
*Tackers 1 & 2 courses must have been completed to qualify for a free trial
The Junior Squad can give your child incredible life skills. Universal Sailing Skills, team work, experience in regattas and water safety.

- Introduction to course sailing
- Introduction to racing
- Water and Sun Safety
- Working in Teams
- Sailing competition Skills
- Team Sausage Sizzle afterwards
When the weather is not suitable for sailing.
- Racing Tactics
- How to get the best from the boat
- Working as a team to achieve a goal
- Appropriate wet weather gear like a spray jacket
- Beanie
- Sunhat, Zinc, Sunscreen & Sunglasses
- Aqua Slippers, runners or sandshoes* (No thongs allowed)
- Wetsuit (ask club if hire available)
- Fitted life jacket
*Must be kept on at all times & purchased by parents
(We have a handful of life jackets available for use during free trials – sizes limited)
Without the help of our Juniors parents, the Junior Squad would not be possible. We’d like to thank all parents for their time to help shape our Juniors into important members of our club!
YOUTH SAILING PARENTS: Junior Sailing Squad enrolments are accepted based on Family / Sailing / Junior Memberships. Parents must commit to helping out every weekend during the season/term. Duties may involve BBQ, Radio on-site, Rescue Boat Driving, and Fundraising. For full details, contact Richard Matterson.
REMINDER: All parents who come to the club must obtain a working with children check before the start of the Junior Sailing Program. WWCC is a requirement for all members 18 years and over. There are NO exceptions to this requirement. Present your card to Richard (General Manager) at the club once obtained.
- Start your enrolment at the Working with Children website
- Register as a volunteer
- No charge for Volunteer WWCC
- Passport photo required
- 100 points of ID required
Please find a regular Junior update from the water below.
The gallery below is updated with photos that will give you a taste of what it’s like to be a part of the Squad.

RMYS Junior Racing Squad Sunday 18-Dec-2022 update
With the previous weeks Lady Stonehaven regatta cancelled we reloaded to run it again on Sunday. Sincere thanks to Colin Burgess at RBYC for doing the arranging and logistics, sincere thanks to our amazing parent group at RMYS who were doing to bulk of volunteer work to make this happen. The reason why we have such a strong junior sailing group is because of the great collaborations we have between RMYS management, RMSTA and the RMYS Junior Racing Squad Parent group.
That all being said……….. racing was cancelled again due to strong weather warnings and a NE blowing off point Ormond that was above 23 knots which for safety reasons is our cut off point.
That being said the wind further North wasn’t so strong so we instead ran two internal races and they in themselves made for some fantastic racing. Great sailing by all. Great sail by Ethan Rassias and his crew in Race one, great sailing by Lachy Skerritt and his crew in race two. The most amazing save by our vice captain and next season’s Junior Captain in waiting Carli Preston who as her boat was about to capsize leant backwards over the gunwale and forced pressure down on the centre board to keep her quest upright. I don’t know how she did it but it was an amazing bit of sailing. Wawaweewah!!!! Great job too by Ashley Wahlqvist who after capsizing in race one fought back to an amazing second place.
We know break for Christmas and the New Year and look forward to hosting the 93rd Stonehaven Cup commencing 3 January.
An early special thanks to RMYS members:
Andrew Gluth, Greg Blackwood, John Taylor, Julie Davis, Ross Flood, Paul Dunstan, Bernadette Hosking, Charlotte Nilsson-Liu and Terry Hart who have volunteered their precious time to help out our Junior Squad during Stonehaven…… love yas, thank you so much without you we couldn’t make it happen.
Finally on behalf of the RMYS Junior Racing Squad Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Thank you for your amazing support.
Graeme Savage
RMYS Junior Racing Squad Parent Committee.