What is Yacht Racing at RMYS?
Simply put, we try to get our boats around a course made up of floating markers, called buoys, as fast as possible. Like golf, every boat is assigned a handicap to make it so that we can all compete against each other despite every boat being a different size and design.
RMYS has a large and diverse fleet of boats, from small day-sailing boats designed to whip around the bay to larger, ocean-going cruising boats. Our races generally take place locally, within sight of RMYS and last about 2-3 hours.
Who can race?
All of our racing boats are privately owned but need crews of up to twelve to sail, so there is usually plenty of space for people to come out for a race. Whilst experience is always appreciated, most skippers are willing to take people with no experience at all. People of all ages, abilities and fitness levels are encouraged to come along.
If you’d like some training before going out there, check out our keelboat courses.
How do I get involved?
RMYS offers a day pass through Australian Sailing called a Sail Pass. It’s an affordable way to try racing with no commitment. You can purchase one by downloading the app using the instructions here and use it to find available boats or call the RMYS office, and we can put you in touch with a boat owner.
When can I go racing?
We race regularly and have special racing events throughout the year. We’ve outlined our regular racing events below and at the bottom of this page have provided our upcoming racing from our club calendar.
Wednesday Racing
Midweek racing is a great way to get into sailing. The races are short and less competitive, racing around an easy course using permanently fixed buoys. The starts are all staggered to take some of the pressure off, and everyone comes together for a spectacular finish as a fleet. Summer Wednesday races start at 18:00 and Winter Wednesday races start at 14:00
Saturday Racing
Saturday racing is competitive, with boats battling each other on the start line and racing around complex courses, often using inflatable buoys to set specific challenges. It’s a good idea to have a little experience for these races, but some boats will still accept novices onboard. The start time of racing on Saturday changes with each event.
Squadron Sundays
Very casual, with a small fleet and restrictions on the types of sails boats are allowed to use to keep things easier, these are the perfect introduction to racing. These are great opportunities to get out onto the water with family and friends and then make it back in time for lunch at the RMYS clubhouse. Squadron Sundays are held once per month, usually on the fourth Sunday.
NoR - Winter 2024 SIs - RMYS Course Type - Pursuit Spin/Non Spin Safety Category - 6 For all event information, entry and results check with ORCV NoR - Winter 2024 SIs - RMYS Course Type - Squadron Safety Category - 6 NoR - Winter 2024 SIs - RMYS Course Type - Pursuit Spin/Non Spin Safety Category - 6 NoR - Winter 2024 SIs - RMYS Course Type - Squadron Safety Category - 6 NoR - Winter 2024 SIs - RMYS Course Type - Pursuit Spin/Non Spin Safety Category - 6 NoR - Winter 2024 SIs - RMYS Course Type - Squadron Safety Category - 6 NoR - Winter 2024 SIs - RMYS Course Type - Pursuit Spin/Non Spin Safety Category - 6 Sail Past instructions
Winter Midweek Series III – Race 6
Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron
ORCV Coastal Sprint Race 1 (Cat 3)
Ocean Racing Club Victoria
3 Aquatic Dr, Albert Park, VIC, Australia
Spring Racing Spinnaker Series Race 2
Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron
Winter Midweek Series III – Race 7
Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron
Summer Season Briefing
Harbour Room
1 Pier Road, St Kilda, VIC, Australia
Spring Racing Spinnaker Series Race 3
Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron
Winter Midweek Series III – Race 8
Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron
Spring Racing Spinnaker Series Race 4
Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron
Winter Midweek Series III – Race 9
Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron
RMYS Season Opening Day
Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron