
Start Racing Course

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Event Series Event Series: Start Racing Course

This course will run on Saturday 14th, 21st & 28th of October 2023. BE CAREFUL, as we want you to participate in a race on day 3. The starting time differs from the other days, and the day may change depending on race opportunity.

Race day 1: Theory, Start, finish, weight. 9 am to 12 pm

Race day 2: Practice on water 9 am to 12 pm

Race day 3: Racing 11 am to race finish ( around 3 pm)

In this course, you will learn the basic racing rules of sailing, skills and tactics and understand what is expected of a racing crew on a small boat.

Course Prerequisites

Water confidence and the skills, knowledge and experience gained from the Start Helming and Crewing courses, as well as the Spinnaker course.

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who wish to begin racing in a keelboat and will coincide with the RMYS Twilight race series or Saturday Race series.

Course Outcome

You will gain your Start Racing completion certificate.

Course Cost: $450

*Please note that a payment gateway fee of 2% + $1.60 applies to all online transactions

Don’t have an Australian Sailing Number?
Under your registration, you will see an option to “Begin your Registration” – please select this and follow the prompts.

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